You can also destroy an active session key to lock your Vault by running: bw lock The BW_SESSION environment variable is only tied to the active terminal session, so closing your terminal window is equivalent to locking your Vault. If the file is non-empty and has a correct value, the CLI will successfully unlock and return a session key. Will look for the file ~Users/Me/Documents/mp.txt (which must have your Master Password as the first line). bw unlock -passwordfile ~/Users/Me/Documents/mp.txt If BW_PASSWORD is non-empty and has correct values, the CLI will successfully unlock and return a session key. Will look for an environment variable BW_PASSWORD.

You can use the -passwordenv or -passwordfile options with bw unlock to retrieve your Master Password rather then enter it manually as in the following examples: Generate a new session key at any time using: bw unlock Unlock Options The session key must be used to perform any command that touches Vault data (e.g. Unlocking your Vault generates a session key which acts as a session-specific decryption key used to interact with data in your Vault. Using an API Key or SSO to log in will require you to follow-up the login command with an explicit bw unlock if you will be working with Vault data directly. If your Organization requires SSO, you may alternatively use -apikey to log in to the CLI. You can string these factors together into a single command as in the following example, however this is not recommended for security reasons: bw login -method -code The CLI currently supports Two-step Login via authenticator, email, or Yubikey. This will initiate a prompt for your Email Address, Master Password, and ( if enabled) a Two-step Login code. To log in with email and password: bw login Logging in with email and password is recommended for interactive sessions. There are, however, a few commands that do not require your Vault to be decrypted, including config, encode, generate, update, and status. This is because your Master Password is the source of the key needed to decrypt Vault data. Using an API Key or SSO will require you to follow-up the login command with an explicit bw unlock if you will be working with Vault data directly. Logging in Using Email and Password uses your Master Password and can therefore string together the login and unlock commands to authenticate your identity and decrypt your Vault in tandem.